The most successful relationships are with people that have similar perspectives.

They may appear to be a trick from the get go, yet attempt to envision him without all that first date beguile. Or on the other hand you could find out about these sorts of men to stay away from. 

Dating can give you important encounters and bits of knowledge into what sorts of folks are out there. 
It assists you with discovering exactly what you like and don't care for in possible mates and connections.
Notwithstanding, the quest for that "someone" can be disappointing. 

It might get to the meaningful part where you're willing to make due with anybody, disregarding specific characteristics you really don't care for to make sure you can at long last say you're seeing someone.

Married Men  

Stay away from the married men. If you are married, and you want to enter into an affair, I recommend that you don’t. It could cost your entire marriage, home, kids, career, and your heart. If he is married, don’t think that he is going to leave his wife for you either. In most situations, they will not, leaving you heartbroken once again.

The men that only want a trophy

Yes, it is nice to have attention pointed your way. But if he wants to parade you around like you are his trophy, then beware. He is only interested in your looks and sex. He doesn’t want you to have an opini.He just wants you to look beautiful. Upon meeting this type of man, he will tell you anything, so he can get in your pants.

The man that lies consistently

I know that many of us have told a few white lies to try to impress the other person that we are dating. I am not saying that it is acceptable to do that, but we all have done it at one time or another. When someone tells a lie, the person that was lied to will find out most of the time. Lying is the demise of all relationships. If you start lying from the beginning, there will be no way to save the relationship.

The Rebound Man

People with emotional baggage are tolerable under some circumstances. If you met someone that just came out of a relationship, chances are he is not ready to move. He is still thinking about his ex. If he talks about her or constantly makes references to her, there is a good chance that he is comparing you to her. I recommend that you date someone that is over his ex.

The man that does not fit into your society

(as known as the social misfit). In order to have a fully functional relationship, your partner should get along with your friends and family. He doesn’t have to all the time, but he most of the time. You must get along with his friends and family as well. If not, there will always be a conflict of interest present. Again, try to make sure that you date men that are comparable to you.

Don’t date a man that acts your boss.

Don’t date the man that is your boss!!! That could be the largest mistake you ever make. I recommend that you try to keep business and pleasure separate. Don’t go there unless you want to jeopardize your career as well as his.

Mr. Bored or Mr. Comfortable?

Often, I hear my female friends complain that their partners are lazy and/or bored. It’s not that their partners are lazy or bored, rather they become complacent. They think their presence is enough. And most of the time, they manage to keep you around even after you have complained for weeks that they don’t put any effort into the relationship. Why? Because you are allowing them to treat you like that.

In many cases, it’s too late to change the situation because he is already well-adjusted. If this is your case, then it just might be time to reassess the relationship and move on to prevent losing any more precious moments.

Why does this happen? After the chase is over, men realize you are there and appear content with the way things are

This is partially your fault. You need to keep your partner interested while the two of are dating. Don’t let him make assumptions that you two are doing something during the weekend. Take one night and go out with your friends. He has to change his expectations after the two of you have become a couple, no matter the length of the relationship. If you continually pick him up from the bar after a night out with the boys, do his laundry, have dinner made for him every night at 7 pm, how could you expect him not to get comfortable?

To prevent him from becoming too comfortable after any amount of dating, follow these tips:

· Keep him out of the comfort zone by making rules

· Make sure he realizes how desirable you are to other men

· Never become lazy yourself; always take care of yourself

· Don’t be at his beck and call

· Have your own friends and family life

· Be independent

· Keep your finances separate

· Socialize without him occasionally

· Change your mind occasionally

· Ensure you keep male friends you had before you started dating

· Do not run around after him

· Go on vacation with your family and friends

A relationship needs to be equal. If you allow him to get the upper hand and become too comfortable, he will take advantage.

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