Hey Man...What Are You Hiding Behind Your Mask?

Another reason your Love-Life isn't the way you want it to be:
You haven't been trained to see through the Male Social Mask...

So you're frequently misled and tranquilized by the male habit of showing Mild Positivity.
In fact, you might be talking to a guy
asking him a question or telling him about something,getting from him a mild smile, and a nod... 
perhaps a look of Thoughtful Interest.

So that you find yourself thinking... "He's in tune with me! 
We're on the right track,this is meant to be! 
Things are set for the long-haul... 
I just know it!"

Through the force of low expectations, you've been led to misinterpret a guy's grin-and-bear-it reflex as some sign of understanding and connection.

(This isn't your fault, though for convenience's sake, this is what guys want you to believe...because, through their own lowered expectations, they tend to assume that finding a woman who can talk in a way that really reaches a man's emotions is a one-in-a-million rarity,something that almost never happens, so it's easiest for everyone if...instead of aiming for a really deep connection...men just play along, pretend to be interested in what they're hearing, and Keep On Smiling.)

So women often think and feel things are going good or at least might, at some point, start getting better-- when the men around them are actually just trying to avoid looking too obviously bored... and even starting to think about the women sitting at other tables.

But there's a way out of this situation.
It's this:

Learning to how consistently create deep, intensely pleasurable conversations with men even men you've just met.
Conversations that don't just seem that way to you-- but actually are that way for men.

Here's how you do it:

1. Stop pretending that the male brain is like yours-- accept that, physically, the brains of women and men are structured differently.

2. Take advantage of the fact that the male brain is patterned in a knowable, predictable way

take pleasure in the fact that, because the male brain is physically different from yours, it is forced to respond to certain surprising triggers.

and then use the secret Male Emotional Language that naturally triggers the male brain, the language that smoothly and organically triggers deep emotional responses in the male heart and soul.

3. If you don't know the Male Emotional Language and the specific words that trigger deep emotional responses in men.

4. Reset your expectations, and instead of being satisfied with mild, bland smiles and subdued chuckles and passionless nodding...

use Male Emotional Language, and start focusing on the way that his pupils dilate and his face flushes and his energy "opens up" when you do this.

Make these intense positive responses the ones you need to make a man genuinely want and believe in an enduring and passionate long-term relationship the kinds of responses that you expect.

If the things you are doing now are not creating these kinds of effects with men...stop doing them, because doing them is only convincing the guys around you that you don't know how to connect deeply with them.

To produce these effects with men right away,so that they can't help thinking about you and fantasizing about talking with you again.

P.S.: Doing this will make him thankful that you are in his life... and honored that you give him your attention.

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